About DigComp 2.2

Digital Competencies – Citizens and Students


  • Information and data literacy
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Digital content creation
  • Safety
  • Problem solving


How to obtain the certificate

The certificate is issued by the platform where the exam was taken. It is sent to the candidate’s email in PDF and Open Badge format and can also be accessed via the public and unified Accredia register.

Is the certificate valid abroad?

Yes, the certificate is recognized and usable worldwide, thanks to the EA and IAF MLA mutual recognition agreements (recognized by the WTO). This principle ensures that the certification is equivalent to those issued by EA and IAF accreditation bodies, making it valid both nationally and internationally.

Is the exam dependent on the training course?

Not necessarily. The exam can be taken independently to assess the candidate’s level of competence at a given time. It can also serve as a motivation to improve and follow the DigComp 2.2 training course afterward.

Does the Certificate Expire?

The EDSC DigComp 2.2 certificate does not expire, but it carries a four-year reliability value for the achieved level. While there is no mandatory renewal or maintenance, it is highly recommended to retake the exam after two years to demonstrate updated digital skills.

About EDSC DigComp 2.2

The EDSC DigComp 2.2 profile is based on the European Digital Competence Framework DigComp 2.2.

The certification is the result of Action 9 of the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, which introduced it under the acronym EDSC (European Digital Skills Certificate), and it is accredited by Accredia.

At the national level, it responds to the update of the National Digital School Plan (PNSD) and the resources allocated by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which foresee the replanning of schools’ digital curricula based on the DigComp 2.2 framework. The goal is to align the Italian educational system with European training models within the complex framework of the digital transition.

Becoming an EDSC DigComp Test Center with CertiSkill is a unique opportunity for schools, companies, and organizations to enhance the digital knowledge and skills of students, teachers, and citizens through an internationally recognized certification. This certification is useful for one’s E-portfolio, as educational credit for the State Exam, and is valuable in the job market.


The exam focuses on the knowledge defined in the Syllabus of the DigComp 2.2 framework, which is divided into 5 areas of competence, broken down into specific sub-areas:

Digital Competence Framework

For each of the 5 areas of competence, 8 proficiency levels have been identified (from BASE 1 to ADVANCED 8). The teacher establishes and guides the class group towards the desired level, taking into account the students’ age and course of study.


Do you want to train students, teachers, and citizens before activating the certification session?

The DigComp 2.2 training course is available in Digital Learning mode and is verified by Intertek Italia. Educational materials, e-books, video lessons, and tests with learning capsules covering the 5 areas of competence are included. It also offers unlimited simulations and scheduled test sessions, which are useful for preparing for the official exam.

Exam mode

The exam is a single comprehensive test covering all five modules and is held at the computer lab or another environment provided by the activated Test Center, with the presence of a certified Proctor. The exam is conducted on the Intertek portal and consists of an online test divided into three progressively complex sections:

    1. First test (42 questions, 40 minutes) – BASE 1 and BASE 2 proficiency levels
    2. Second test (42 questions, 40 minutes) – INTERMEDIATE 3 and INTERMEDIATE 4 proficiency levels 
    3. Third test (84 questions, 80 minutes) – ADVANCED 5, ADVANCED 6, HIGHLY SPECIALIZED 7, and HIGHLY SPECIALIZED 8 proficiency levels 

The passing threshold for each section is 75%. After passing the first section, a link is provided to access the second test (which, for Test Center schools, may be taken on a different day). Otherwise, the exam ends, and the examinee receives a certificate attesting to the level achieved.

The candidate cannot fail: the exam is designed to assess the proficiency level reached on a specific date for the individual areas of competence, verifying improvements in light of learning processes. The individual is then registered in the national Accredia registry and included in future National and European repositories. A certificate in PDF and Open Badge format is issued and sent.

The certification does not expire, but it is recommended to renew it after two years to update one’s digital skills. The exam can be retaken earlier if the candidate aims for a better result.

Why certify with EDSC DigComp 2.2

Personal Branding, Access to Competitions, and Employment

The certification is issued by Intertek Italia, an accreditation body accredited by Accredia, the only national accreditation body recognized by the Italian State according to EU Regulation 765/2008, and a signatory of the EA and IAF MLA mutual recognition agreements (recognized by the WTO). Therefore, this certification is valid both nationally and internationally.

    • It guarantees that students and citizens can enhance their digital skills with a certificate increasingly sought after in the job market.

    • It serves as a personal branding tool, especially during the country’s digital transition: public and private organizations employing certified individuals can guarantee, in turn, the possession of specific competency requirements.

Watch the video where Emanuele Riva, Director of Accredia’s Certification and Inspection Department, talks about the value of certification issued under Accredia accreditation at both national and international levels.

Request info about this certification!

About DigComp 2.2


Data processing